Thursday, November 19, 2009

Swimming Pool Maintenance Secrets

Personally I would always recommend using a professional pool expert to maintain your swimming pool. However, sometimes this just isn't possible. So if you want to know how to take care of your own pool take a look at this ebook.

To find out the Swimming Pool Maintenance Secrets Click Here!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

How To Get A Swimmers Body

A classic swimmers shape is often described as a V-shape back, broad shoulders, defined abdominals and an overall toned shape. How you get a swimmers shape depends on how long you can spend working out.

Is it as simple as swimming a lot?

If you are under 10 and genetically gifted, maybe. Male professional swimmers will spend 4 – 6 hours a day in the pool plus do other dry land work with resistance (weights) and cardiovascular training. Their shape will have developed as their testosterone was pumping in their formative early teenage years.

The fastest way to get a swimmers body

Just swimming is NOT the best way to get a swimmers body! Shape advancement depends on challenging the muscles with resistance to make them grow bigger.

Using the right type of exercises you can increase muscle in key areas using resistance training (weights). Unless you are doing hours each day in the pool, you will only get limited muscle growth as you need to increase the resistance to further stimulate growth.

Swimming is a great form of cardiovascular exercise but it will only develop the pull muscles. This leads to injuries and the body becoming unbalanced. Professional swimmers will ensure they develop their push muscles with weight training. The best way to get a swimmers body is using weights as your primary means of increasing lean muscle through resistance training.

To reveal the muscle you must reduce the covering layer of subcutaneous fat. To get the perfect swimmers shape you should be aiming for no more than 12% body fat. Cardiovascular exercise like swimming or rowing will reduce the fat if combined with the right nutrition. Nutrition is also the key to accelerating muscle growth.

How to get an amazing body is as simple as increasing muscle and reducing fat. But this must be taken a step further if you want the shape of an athletic swimmer as opposed to just being muscle bound. You must have a clear goal of what overall shape you are aiming for as it is the proportions of toned muscle that makes the attractive shape of The Swimmers Body.

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Keith Tucker is a personal trainer and nutritional coach. He has worked with other experienced industry professionals to create The Swimmers Body program.

To learn more about a structured step-by-step approach on how to get a swimmers body check out

Monday, October 26, 2009

News From Barcelona Swimming Pool Show

Well we're back from Barcelona. We had a great time, Barcelona's such a great city (even when it rains). The show was much quieter than previous years, still good though. Didn't really find much to tell you about. Lots of the smaller stalls with safety items just weren't there. I was impressed with a product called SWIMFIN. I've added a link at the side if you're interested in this product. It's a fun idea to help kids stay afloat and balanced in the water. I like this product and I've heard from several friends in the UK that they are becoming very popular as swimming aids during official swimming lessons. They come in an assortment of colours, so you'll be sure to find a colour your child likes.

I did see another range of products I loved. They're not in any way, shape or form safety items though. They're for kids and adults who are already good swimmers, but so much fun.
I might have to add a fun page with my own safety warning added. Watch out for more information coming soon.

Other than that it was the general pool cleaning ideas, pumps, heaters, spa's and pool builders.
No new and exciting products this time around. Oh well.

Best wishes and STAY SAFE

p.s. I've added a couple of new products down the side for you to check out.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Two Days Until Barcelona

Only two days until we head of for the Barcelona Swimming Pool Exhibition (and a little bit of shopping).

Richard is busy getting the pools in tip top condition, we've had strong winds and lots of leaves and rubbish blowing about. I'm not expecting to see him very early tonight. Mind you, I don't think many people will be brave enough to be swimming in the pools. The weather is certainly on the chilly side now.

So, we've got two full days at the exhibition. Richard will be on the look out for new, improved ways to clean the pools, heating methods, repair techniques and tools, etc, and I'm searching out new products for our safety line. Keep an eye out next week to see what we picked up at the show and new products we'll hopefully be adding to our safety range.

I'll catch up with you all next week and let you know how we got on.

Bye for now.


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Barcelona Pool Show

Almost time for the Barcelona Pool Show. I'm really looking forward to seeing what's going on. This year we're especially excited about going as we are looking to expand our range of products. Wow, we'll be like kids in a toy store.

Let us know if you've got a stand and we'll be sure to drop in and visit you.

Piscina BCN, International Swimming Pool Exhibition, is the most important meeting of the sector in the world and brings together the main domestic and international brands to see and present the latest developments in a sector in constant change in a unique location: Barcelona, the great capital of the Mediterranean.

Dates: 20th October 2009 -23rd October 2009

For more information go to:

Don't forget to let us know if you're going.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Swimming Pool Safety

Aren't swimming pools wonderful? For me it's one of the nicest things about living in a warm climate. To look out onto a beautiful sparkling blue swimming pool is indeed a luxury to be enjoyed. Personally I love to spend hours by the pool, relaxing, swimming and having fun with my kids.
But, yes I'm sorry there is a BUT. Swimming pools can also be deadly. 100’s of children drown every year in swimming pools. Why? Well here’s what Bob Lyons from Safety Turtle says.
“Because the risk of accidental drowning is underestimated by adults of all ages.”
I agree 100% with Bob. People don’t realise the dangers and don’t realise just how quickly a child can drown.
A child can drown in less time than it takes to answer the telephone.
Shocking fact isn’t it?
Yet with a few simple precautions you can make your pool safe so that you and your family can enjoy your pool and stay safe.
Here are my top tips.
· Parents can’t be awake for 24 hours a day. Make sure that access to a swimming pool is blocked. Children have been known to wander to the swimming pool whilst parents are still sleeping. Installing a fence around the pool is one way to do this. Depending on the age of your child add safety gates around the house so that access to the pool is blocked.
· There are several excellent swimming pool alarms on the market now. There are alarms which detect movement in a pool should your child or someone else’s fall into the water or there are personal immersion alarms (anti-drowning alarms) which usually fit onto the individual child’s wrist. If they fall into water an alarm will sound. The personal alarms are a great solution if you are on holiday with a swimming pool close by.
· Teach your children to swim as early as possible. The first thing you should do is show them how to tread water in the pool and show them how to get to the edge of the pool and get themselves out. Calmly explain that if they ever fall into the water they need to stay very calm and remember what you have taught them. They should also shout loudly and clearly for HELP. Practice often.
· Once your child has mastered basic swimming skills, play pool games, diving games and races. All of these things when supervised will build your child’s strength in water.
· If your children have friends over or you have more than one child encourage them to be good buddies. Encourage them to watch out for each other in and around the pool.
· Children should never jump on, push or pull other children in the pool – Explain that this is dangerous and can lead to a child drowning.
· If your child spots someone in difficulty in the pool, explain to them that they should get out of the water and quickly attract attention to that person. They should never try to help themselves as they could easily get dragged underwater by someone else who is panicking.
Please always remember that although I have recommended the use of safety equipment there is no substitute for careful adult supervision.
Think of your swimming pool in the same way you think about your car. When you get in your car and go on a journey you put your seatbelts on and put your children in car safety seats. We do this automatically and then get on with enjoying the journey. Do the same with the pool, a few simple precautions and it’s ready to enjoy.
Have fun and STAY SAFE.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Safety Turtle Summer Offer

I have a fantastic summer offer. We pride ourselves on always offering great prices. This summer I am able to offer the SAFETY TURTLE BASIC PACK (1 base station and 1 wristband) for an amazingly low 175.00€ that's a saving of 12.00€ off our normal price.


Our last delivery was for 50 alarms, we managed to get a great price and we've passed the saving on to you. The alarms are selling fast and I don't know how long this offer will last. I will try to get the same deal for the next order but I can't guarantee it. So to get this amazing offer you need to act now go straight to and buy your Safety Turtle Anti Drowning Alarm today. You'll not only be saving money, you'll be protecting your loved ones and saving lives.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Extended Offer

Due to the high demand of this offer we have decided to carry our FREE pet adapter offer on for another week or so until this supply has run out. I'm not sure how long this offer will last and I'd hate you to miss out, so head over to:

before it's too late!

Monday, June 29, 2009


Check out our article on

To make sure you don't miss any articles add your fill in your email address in the EzineArticles box on the right hand side of this blog. I will be adding quite a few articles over the coming months.

Thanks for following.


P.S. You still have a few days left to get your FREE Pet Adapters at

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Poolsafe Europe NEW WEBSITE!

I am so pleased to tell you that our brand new website is now online, go to:

Over the coming months we will be adding more products to the site to help you enjoy the pool and stay safe.

Please take a look and if you go to the contact page you can add your details to be notified of any promotions and new products we have.

Our offer of the month

We are giving away FREE Pet Adapters to pet owners buying the Safety Turtle Alarm system.
Pet's can often swim quite well but swimming pools are very difficult for animal to get out of. Pets usually swim to the nearest edge if they fall in. Panic and exhaustion will quickly set in if the are unable to get out. Normal pool ladders are almost impossible for pets to use.

Protect your pets around water. The Safety Turtle PET ADAPTER allow you to securely fasten the Safty Turtle sensor to your pets collar. If your pet then goes into the water a loud siren will sound immediately.

Take Care and Stay Safe.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Now On Ebay.

Just a quick note to let you Know we are now selling our European Safety Turtle range on Ebay.
The link to the Ebay Shop is

Please Note: It is never recommended to buy second hand alarms as you have no way of knowing the battery life. Please always buy from a reputable Official distributor.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Pool Safety Tips For Kids

Always make sure an adult is watching you when you go in the pool.

Learn to Swim.

Practice swimming exercises to build your strength in water.

Get someone to show you how to tread water, float and get out of the pool.

Get an adult to show you where the pool/hot tub drains are and stay away from them.

Keep long hair tied up.

Never run by the pool.

Never push or jump on others in the pool.

Never dive into water less than 9 feet deep (check with an adult).

Watch out for others. Be a good buddy and watch out for other who might be struggling or in trouble in the water. If you see someone needs help, Immediately shout and wave arms to get attention from a grown up.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Swimming Aids.

Swimming aids are a fantastic and fun way to develop a child's confidence in the water and help them to learn to swim. Below I have Listen a few of my favourite swimming aids but I want to take a moment to issue a word of warning. Swimming aids are never a substitute for parental/adult supervision. Whenever a child is in the pool it is absolutely vital that he/she is supervised. A swimming aid will NOT prevent your child from drowning.

Use the swimming aids as intended and have great fun.

I also recommend the use of arm bands for beginner swimmers. I have used them for both of my boys whilst learning to swim, they help build confidence and a love of the water. As your child improves you can let a little air out of the arm bands giving less and less support.

Remember that swimming aids are designed to be used with adult supervision at all times.

Stay Safe by the pool and enjoy.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Safety Turtle Saves Lives

A child can drown in the time it takes you to answer the telephone.

The risk of child drownings are high and usually underestimated. Children are naturally inquisitive, young children have not yet got the ability to understand that if there ball goes into the swimming pool and they reach in to get it, they are likely to fall in.

Most drowning accidents in swimming pools happen when an adult is supervising the child. It literally takes minutes. Unless we are super human we can't possible see what our children are doing 24 hours a day.

Safety Turtle is designed to be the last line of defence against drowning. Adult supervision comes first and should never be replaced by any alarm system, making the pool area safe, and lastly the use of Safety Turtles Anti drowning systems.

You can go to our website to by online or you can contact me by email at

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Wholesale Offers Now Available!!!
Due to the current economical climate we have reduced our minimum wholesale order to just 3 base stations. I have secured a deal with the Safety Turtle in Canada to offer our European business's a fantastic offer. I'm not sure how long we will be able to offer this wholesale price, with my next order I may have to increase the price again.
We want to make sure that Safety is NOT cut back on to save money by providing you with our very best prices.
Please email me at for more information and a full price list.
Keeping kids safe by the pool.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Safety Turtle Anti Drowning Alarm

Safety Turtle is a fantastic personal alarm system designed in Canada. A few years ago we were fortunate enough to become official distributors of the European model. We love this product and used it with our own son until a few years ago. My son is a fantastic swimmer now, but the peace of mind it gave us during those early years was unbelievable.
Let me tell you how the personal anti drowning alarm works. You get a base station which is about the size of a portable cd carry case. This goes into the house and is plugged into a normal electrical socket. The safety turtle wristbands, as you might imagine are shaped like little turtles. For our European market we have green turtles and blue turtles. The wristbands are completely sealed and childproof. The wristbands are strapped onto your child's wrist and locked in place securely using a special key. The wristbands are light and comfortable to wear (lighter than a watch). With each wristband comes a baby turtle (a miniature version of the one on the wristband), this baby turtle is pushed into a socket on the base station. With the baby turtle in place, the base station plugged in and the safety turtle wristband securely fastened to your child's wrist the alarm is working. If your child falls into the swimming pool now a shrill alarm will sound at the base station.
Any number of same colour wristbands can be used with just 1 base station, making this a cost effective and reliable to protect all of your children around the swimming pool.
The base staion covers an area of approximately 200ft (60m).
For more information and to purchase from the Safety Turtle range please go to:
You can also follow us on twitter at